Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Big and Small Screen People That I Adore (Females)

Big and Small Screen People That I Adore (Females)

(From the self titled movie. I adore her honesty, sense of humour and fun loving ways. I think there's a little of her in all us girls)

(From the hit television series, House MD. She's sassy, smart and wars daily with everyone's favourite doctor. One of the best woman in television.)

(From the movie, Garden State. She's cute, down to earth and quirky. I love quirky people. Absolutely love 'em.)

(From the classic film, It's A Wonderful Life. She's determined, gentle and kind. If she was in my reality, she'd be my best mate for sure.)

(From Forrest Gump. She's lost, desperate but eventually she finds her way home. I identify with her so much when I'm feeling hurt or blue.)

(From the movie, A League of Their Own. She's confident, strong and talented. She's got this real inner determination that I just love.)

(From the comedy film, Legally Blonde. She's intelligent, knowledgable and breaks stereotype. Plus she's just so funny to watch. I'd have her as my lawyer any day.)

(From the underrated TV show, Extras. She's spacey, silly and so lovable. I loved every scene with her in it just to see what she'd say. Great great character.)

(From the Pixar classic, Monsters Inc. The cutest little animated character. Awwww!)

(From my fav, Silence of the Lambs. Oh wow, where do I begin with how gutsy and smart this woman is? If you haven't watched the film, WATCH THE FILM (and no, I wasn't shouting, the caps locks key got eh, stuck or something.)

(From the 50's classic, Sunset Blvd. She's vain, conceited and obsessed with herself until the point of insanity. Yet we can not turn away....)

(From the biopic, Walk the Line. Great voice with a fiery spirit. If I was ever famous, I'd want to be like her.)

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